By Yue Shan, Liu Jia, Tian Ye, Zhang Yinyu
David Porter来自加拿大,现任湖南师范大学外国语学院副教授。他从事哲学和文学研究,热衷于将希腊文学和罗马神话故事带给湖湘学子。同时,他也是一名自然爱好者,探索自然成为了他每天的“必修课”。在短短一年多的时间里,他用镜头详细记录了数千种在长沙的动植物,在他的镜头里,长沙是一座野生动植物的生态乐园。今年,是他来长沙的第四年,他爱上的不仅仅有“长沙辣椒”,还有这里的生态环境。
David Porter from Canada serves as an associate professor in Foreign Studies College of Hunan Normal University. He is engaged in the study of philosophy and literature, and is passionate about teaching Greek and Roman Mythology in Hunan.Meanwhile, he is a fervent nature lover, and exploring nature has become his daily "mandatory course". In just one year, he has meticulously recorded thousands of plants and animals in Changsha with his camera, and showing Changsha as an ecological paradise for wildlife. The year 2024 marks his fourth year in Changsha, and he has fallen in love with the spicy Changsha and the ecological Changsha.
Why come to Changsha?
"After finishing my work in Shanghai, I came to Changsha to start a new life journey. More importantly, I am interested in natural and cultural heritage, and Changsha makes it a great place."
How is life in Changsha?
"I am currently teaching literature and Greek and Roman mythology at Hunan Normal University, and spend a lot of time studying literature every day. I really enjoy teaching and it keeps me updating. I am interested in books on natural science, including those from the West and China, and I also enjoy the nature. After work, I explore outdoors almost every day. I share my photos of plants and animals on social media every day, and most of them were taken in Changsha."
"I found giant fungi in the mud by Xiangjiang River, black mushrooms in Yuelu Mountain, and unknown cocoons on the vines in Wangling Park. Nature is eternally changing, frequent observation and recording can help capture the magic and charm of nature. In more than 400 days from last year, I have recorded over 1,000 species of plants and animals, including many new species that I have never seen before."
What the favorite places in Changsha?
"I walk to the foot of Yuelu Mountain frequently, around the monument. There are many paths connecting to the peak, where you can appreciate the whole city from a bird’s view. There is a coffee shop near my office which I like it very much, and often have coffee and chat with friends there. Taozi, a lake nearby the foot with pavilions and towers, also called Feilai Lake in old time, is a modern garden with some ancient remains."
策划 | 姜国 郑文新
统筹 | 岳珊 刘佳
文字 | 田也 岳珊
摄影 | 张寅宇
美编 | 曾璐