In ChangSha | 澳大利亚爱心使者:“在中国,我有很多孩子”

  By Yue Shan, Liu Jia, Wen Chunyan, Zhang Yinyu

     51岁的安凯乐(Kyla),一位来自澳大利亚的爱心使者,目前担任国际关心中国慈善协会(International Concern for Chinese Charities Association,简称ICC)的中国事务总监。自22岁起,她便投身于中国的慈善事业中,特别是为孤残儿童服务,这一事业已成为她生命中不可或缺的一部分。在她的不懈努力下,已经有700多名孤残孩子得到了关爱与帮助,他们不仅在物质上得到了援助,安凯乐还积极为他们争取教育、医疗等资源,让他们能够像其他孩子一样健康成长。

Kyla, aged 51, is a love messenger from Australia, currently serves as the China Affairs Director of International Concern for Chinese Charities Association (ICC). Since the age of 22, she has been devoted to charitable causes in China, especially for the orphaned and disabled children, which has be an indispensable part in her life. With her unremitting efforts, more than 700 orphaned and disabled children have been helped with care and love. They have been assisted materially with educational and medical resources, which enable them grow up healthily and happily.


Why come to Changsha?


"I used to be a pediatric nurse, and love and care for children is the natural instinct.In 1999, I went to Changsha First Welfare Home for the first time, where the helpless eyes and desiring expressions of the children touched me deeply.I felt that I should do something for them, and it would be meaningful even if I could only change one child’s life. So I gave up my stable work and life in Australia, came to China alone, and devoted myself to charity here. I worked with the ICC to help disabled children in this beautiful city. A lot of my friends choose Shanghai or Beijing, but I like Changsha. I immerse myself here in the local culture and learn the language.I really enjoy the challenge of learning Chinese here. The locals are very helpful and friendly to me."


How is life in Changsha?


"After living in Hengyang for 17 years, I returned to Changsha. The life here is very convenient because travel in the city is much easier than before. Shopping is also very pleasing, I can quickly go to the next-door supermarket or order home delivery. There also many fun places in Changsha, the place of food paradise and a city made of chili peppers. At the same time, I have many kids in Changsha. I am too busy to get married, but I have harvested a lot of love."


What are the favorite places in Changsha?


"I like to walk by Xiang River.Some people quietly fish there and it’s really relaxing. On weekends, I usually invite friends to Yuelu Mountain. Orange Isle and Martyrs Park are also places I prefer, the unique natural scenery and rich historical culture making people lingering. In Changsha, you can see the local tea everywhere, the taste and style attract me unintentionally.Besides, I have special preference to embroidery, needle and thread are also my close friends in my leisure time.It is a comforting relief glowing with the charm of traditional culture."

  策划 | 姜国 郑文新

  统筹 | 岳珊 刘佳

  文字 | 文春燕  岳珊

  摄影 | 张寅宇

  美编 | 曾璐
